Are you looking for ways to invest so that you can build a stream of income? Are you searching for passive or active income streams? Investments are a great way for you to earn extra money and begin building wealth.

Passive income includes streams of money you get from renting property or from businesses you own but do not actively manage. Other income can come from investment properties, stocks, and more!

Read on to learn about how to find smart investments and start establishing your nest egg today!

Decide on Your Risk Tolerance

If you are wondering, ‘What are the best investments for me?’ the answer depends on your risk tolerance. Simply put, your risk tolerance is how much risk you are willing to accept in exchange for earning extra money on an investment.

For example, buying stock in a company with a questionable background may put you at risk of losing your principal investment. At the same time, making an educated decision to invest in the company may result in a much larger profit.

When deciding on your risk tolerance, considering what you are willing to lose and the time horizon for when you will need the money. The longer you have before you put it to use, the more time you will have to recover from a potential loss.

Invest in Storage Units

Buying ownership shares in a storage unit is one of those smart investment ideas that can be overlooked. There has been an increase in demand for storage units caused in part by the onset of the global pandemic.

The global pandemic will pass sometime in the future. Looking ahead, using investment money in the storage unit industry will still be a great way to earn passive income.

There will always be people moving to new places and needing to store their stuff. You can speak to a storage unit ownership company about your investment options.

Once you get all your information together, you can make an informed decision about how you can profit from other people’s storage.

Find Unique Property

Adding real estate to your investment portfolio can be a great way for you to build wealth. Did you know there are more than 22.5 million rental properties in the United States alone?

The sheer number of rental properties means that you need yours to stand out from others on the market. Find a unique property with one-of-a-kind location and features.

Narrow down your investment property to parcels in your price range and that you believe will give you the best, uninterrupted cash flow.

Consider Buying Index Funds

Index funds are an effective way for you to invest in the stock market. You can do it without the level of risk that’s often part of owning individual stocks on their own. One of the best tips for finding smart investments is to read up before you buy.

You will learn that an index fund is a group of stocks and other investments that is weighed based on an index. These include ones like the S&P 500 and NASDAQ. Buying and holding these investments can give you a handsome reward!

Smart Investments are Good Investments

Smart investments are the ones that give you a fair reward for your risk and that are reasonable under your personal financial circumstances. Before you make a decision on a specific investment, spend lots of time researching a company and what makes them different.

Likewise, if you are in the market for an investment property or storage unit, spend time learning as much as possible about it before you make your decision.

Check out our investment program to see how it works and learn how it can help you build wealth today!


Scott Meyers

Scott Meyers is one of the nation’s leading experts in the self-storage business. Scott has a passion to share his experience and wisdom to help others succeed. Since 1993, he has architected dozens of extremely successful real estate transactions. He has built several multi-million dollar businesses in real estate including; single-family flips, to multi-family projects, industrial buildings, commercial office buildings, cold-storage buildings, warehousing, parking lots, and his favorite – self-storage.